The table below outlines the differences across the OrgPlus product line.

  Professional Premium
Company size: 0-1000 0-1000
Welcome Panel that's more simple and easier to get started faster check check
MS Office 2010 & 2013 Support: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint check check
Browser Support: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, 10 & 11 check check
Mac Support check check
Create boardroom-quality org charts check check
Apply best-practice based view or design templates check check
Visualize HR metrics within the org chart (i.e. salary or span of control) check check
Model scenarios for organizational change check check
Analyze your data easily with built-in reporting tools check check
Export chart data to Microsoft Excel or any database check check
Import data from Microsoft® Excel®, ODBC, SQL Server, LDAP, Active Directory, Oracle and SAP check check
Publish charts to pdf, ppt, and the web check check
Integrate with your HR database check check
Track organizational changes with a full audit trail   check
Generate personnel action notices and detailed reports   check
Chart Creation Professional Premium
Import Wizard with fewer steps to streamline your data to build charts quickly
check check
Intuitive Microsoft Office 2010-based User Interface puts all capabilities at your fingertips. check check
Browser Support: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, 10 & 11 check check
Windows 8 Certified compatibility ensures smooth integration with user environment. check check
Windows 7 Certified compatibility ensures smooth integration with user environment. check check
Training and Tutorials make even the most advanced features easy to use. easy to use. check check
Import Data from ODBC, Oracle, LDAP, TXT, XLS and XML. check check
Quick Chart Panel helps you create charts fast and easily change branch styles. check check
OrgTree Panel enables views and editing of entire hierarchy. check check
Sub-Charts make large charts manageable by breaking them into smaller sections. check check
Search enables you to quickly locate an individual in the chart. check check
Multiple Record Boxes easily group similar positions. check check
Create Directories, Phone and Email lists for quick contact. check check
Hyperlinks and External References allow access to relevant information. check check
Alternate Hierarchies allow you to visualize complex matrix reporting structures. check check
Flexible Assistant Styles delineate different relationships between assistants and managers. check check
Auxiliary Lines show special reporting relationships. check check
Customizable Box Layout puts the data you need at your fingertips. check check
Chart Consolidation combines multiple charts into a single master file. check check
Chart Tab shows multiple charts in one view. check check
Free-floating objects enhance charts. check check
Profiles display additional information for selected chart boxes so the chart can be used to communicate detailed information and analysis. check check
In-place Editing allows you to edit your contents directly in the Chart or Profile Panel. check check
Composite Profile allows you to combine multiple profiles into a single profile. check check
Comments streamline collaboration. check check
DOS Commands can be used to quickly open charts, or import, print, publish, and refresh information. check check
Planning and Analysis Professional Premium
Staging Area to park employees during the planning and modeling process.
View Templates pre-built with fields and formulas to address most HR challenges. check check
Summary Panel shows high-level stats for instant communication.   check
Track Changes tracks and displays history of workforce changes such as adding or removing positions, redeploying employees and updating title or salary information.   check
Customizable Formulas allow you to create hierarchy-driven metrics within your charts. check check
Advanced Search lets you run ad hoc queries and quickly find people based on specific or multiple criteria. check check
Define Constants in formulas to make it easy to modify formulas, test different planning scenarios. check check
Create Groups to delineate a sub-set of your chart, by applying constants, formulas, or a combination of the two. check check
Export to Excel for further analysis with the click of a button. check check
Formatting Professional Premium
Field Inheritance Options for adding new boxes or moving boxes.
check check
Symbols Library allows you to replace text with easy to understand visual icons. check check
Smart Fields highlight when data in any field meets user-defined conditions. check check
Designer templates and Sample Charts help you quickly create professional-looking charts. check check
Insert pictures into boxes and free-floating objects. check check
Conditional Formatting allows you to control the appearance of individual cells within chart boxes by highlighting any data or subset that meets specific criteria. check check
Box Layout options allow display of just the information you want, however you want it. check check
Hotspots added to any field display related profile information. check check
Master Page lets you apply design and organizational elements common to all your charts. check check
Drag-and-Drop box arranging enables rapid chart changes. check check
Formatting Options like font, color, style, and text alignment provide greater control over your chart design. check check
Customizable Chart Orientation lets you choose how your chart is displayed check check
Optimize Charts to fit on a single page. check check
Line Formating allows you to control the appearance of regular and auxiliary lines to change the look and feel of your chart. check check
Integrated rulers and grids enable alignment of boxes and free-floating objects . check check
Sub-chart Arrow Labels improve navigation in large charts, and enhance readability of printed and published charts. check check
Field Formatting allows you to customize the appearance of number, date, and e-mail fields. check check
Profile Field Formatting allows you to apply conditional formatting to any field in an employee profile. check check
Icon Support in Profile Fields enables you to draw attention to important information with icons or images. check check
Wrap Text within a box, and limit the number of wrapping lines, to control box size. check check
Multiple Conditional Formats can be applied to highlight different conditions within the same box. check check
Legends help end users understand charts and formats. check check
AutoText automatically inserts dynamic elements (page number, date, etc.) into your chart. check check
Reporting Professional Premium
Staging Area to park employees during the planning and modeling process.
Enhanced Track Changes for moved boxes.   check
Pre-defined reports show just the information you need for business decisions, and update automatically as the chart changes.   check
Tabular Reports enable you to group information by any field for a high level snapshot of organizational characteristics. Export to Excel for further analysis.   check
Chart Comparison allows you to compare past and current charts and generate detailed reports.   check
Configurable Personnel Action Notice Reports generate the information you need to complete personnel changes.   check
Change Summary Reports list details of all changes made to your chart.   check


Printing and Publishing Professional Premium
The Publishing Wizard can be used to configure publishing and printing options.
check check
Publishing Options allow you to publish your entire chart divided by sub-charts, or publish a single sub-chart. check check
Publish Charts in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint format to include in documents. check check
Publish Charts in Navigable PDF format that includes clickable arrows for easily navigating the chart. check check
Publish Charts for the OrgPlus free browser Plug-in. check check
Publish Charts in HTML for websites and intranets. check check
Use Print Preview to see how your chart will look before printing. check check
Print booklets or Wall Charts check check


Data Automation Professional Premium
Advanced Import features allow you to handle duplicate records, filter data, sort by specific criteria, and more.
check check
Hierarchy Mapper allows you to manage usassigned positions (orphans) in your source data during import. check check
Change Log catalogs changes after each data refresh. check check
=Easily define Archiving Rules to retrieve past and present information. check check
Flexible Orphan or Island Handling allows you to place unassigned positions (orphans) or groups (islands) in searchable groups. check check
Group Peers during import. check check
Unicode Support enables data import in almost any language. check check
Scheduled Data Synchronization with source data keeps your chart information up to date. check check
Scheduled Publishing enables you to keep on top of changes. check check
Scheduled Automatic Chart Updates keep the chart current on web, corporate intranet or shared network drive. check check
Automatic Email Distribution simplifies chart sharing with co-workers. check check