You can optimize your chart files before sharing with other users.
One easy way to share charts is with OrgPlus Reader. OrgPlus Reader is a free Windows application that enables you to view, search, and print charts generated with OrgPlus.
To optimize your chart:
1 Click the File tab and select Save As.
2 Navigate to the folder in which you want to save your file.
3 Enter a file name in the File Name field.
4 Click the Settings button to display the Save As Settings dialog box.
5 Select from the following options:
· Embed Referenced Pictures: This option embeds all referenced pictures into the saved file which allows you to share your chart with users that do not have access to your intranet or local computer hard drive.
· Convert Formulas to Values: Converting formulas to values not only enhances performance but ensures that formula results are maintained even if you save only a sub-set of your chart (Save what drop-down list).
· Exclude unused fields: This option reduces field size.
· Exclude comments: This option removes comments from the saved output.
· Remove reference to data source: This option removes any references to the data source used to import the data into your chart.
6 Click Save.