You can drag selected boxes to new locations in the chart. When you move a box, all its descendant boxes and any associated anchored objects move with it. OrgPlus automatically reformats the chart.
To move chart boxes:
1 Click the box you want to move and drag it over another box.
2 As you drag the pointer over other boxes, the mouse pointer changes to indicate how the selected box will be moved
· A Left arrow-head indicates that the box is to be placed on the left of the box you are over.
· A Right arrow-head indicates that the box is to be placed on the right of the box you are over.
· A Subordinate box (as shown in the example below) indicates that the box is to be placed below the box you are over.
3 When you are satisfied with the position of the box release the mouse button. The box is placed in its new position.
The following example shows the changes to the chart when Lisa de Jong and her subordinate are moved to Tina Nomura's team.
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