You can identify fields defined in your project with OrgPlus predefined fields. These fields are used with the track changes functionality, and to populate view templates and predefined reports.
To begin identifying fields:
· Click the Home tab and select Identify Fields from the Fields & Formulas section.
The Identify Fields dialog box is opened.
There are two columns in this box:
· The OrgPlus Field column contains all of the OrgPlus predefined fields.
· The User Field column contains the fields included in your imported data document. They are placed in line with the predefined fields they most closely match.
To identify fields:
1 In the Identify Fields dialog box, find the field in the OrgPlus Field column to which you want to map a field from your document.
2 Click the right side of the associated cell in the User Field column to expand the dropdown menu, and select the field you want mapped.
Note: Only field types that can be applied to the selected field will show up in the dropdown menu.
3 If the selected Maps To field is also mapped elsewhere, make sure you unmap it using the instructions below.
To unmap fields:
1 In the Identify Fields dialog box, find the field in the User Field column you want to unmap.
2 Click the right side of the cell to expand the dropdown menu, and select {Unmapped}.